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Travelogue: Changsha

Joiin Entertainment has been working together with China Central Television (CCTV) to create new episodes for the TV program Travelogue. The new episodes cover and explore the Chinese megacity of Changsha. The team spent a week in Changsha to shoot two episodes for the Travelogue series. Watch the Changsha Travelogue edition to learn about the food, the people, the technology, and the architecture of Changsha.

Travelogue is a Chinese TV program produced by CCTV, it is an adventure tourism program that travels to destinations within China or around the world to showcase these locations. During the episodes, presenters explore local sights and locations, experience the local culture, and act as a tour guide of sorts. The program previously visited locations such as Jamaica, Greece, Malaysia, Singapore, Namibia, Hong Kong (China), and Taiwan Province of China.

Two of the episodes on Changsha can be viewed online already, the introduction exploration episode released on October 25th  and the food episode released on November 2nd.

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